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A button allows users to trigger an action or event.


Import the Button component from the figblocks.

	import { Button } from 'figblocks';



The visual style of the button can be changed using the variant prop.

<Button variant="primary">Label</Button>
<Button variant="secondary">Label</Button>
<Button variant="tertiary">Label</Button>

Destructive state

Pass the destructive prop to style the button for destructive actions.

<Button destructive variant="primary">Label</Button>
<Button destructive variant="secondary">Label</Button>
<Button destructive variant="tertiary">Label</Button>

Disabled state

Pass the disabled prop to disable the button.

<Button disabled variant="primary">Label</Button>
<Button disabled variant="secondary">Label</Button>
<Button disabled variant="tertiary">Label</Button>

Button with icon

For left and right icon within the button, the Icon component can be used with the slot labeled “left-icon” and “right-icon”.


When an Icon component is passed to the designated slots (either "left-icon" or "right-icon"), the component automatically adjust its padding optically. Although it can also be passed in the default slot alongside the label, it won't have these adjustments.
	import { Button, Icon } from 'figblocks';
	import { IconArrowRight } from 'figblocks/icons';

	<Icon slot="left-icon" iconSvg={IconArrowRight} /> Get Started

<Button variant="secondary">
	<Icon slot="right-icon" iconSvg={IconArrowRight} /> Get Started


variant “primary” | “secondary” | “tertiary” “primary” Determines the visual style of the button
disabled boolean false If true, the button will be disabled
destructive boolean false If true, the button turns to red, indicating destructive action
class string undefined Custom CSS classname for styling

